About Us
Good Hope Cleaning Services LLC
Serving the Indiana Area Since 2015
Good Hope Cleaning Services LLC was founded by Khanyiso Gwebu, from Zimbabwe, Africa. Mr. Gwebu was and still is pasionate about the type of industry. Having the background of janitorial service, his passion grews and drove him to up open his own business and continue to do what he loves and enjoying doing for the people. He values customer satisfication more than the amount the customer pays. He has great plans of helping others to make the world a better place for everyone.
Good Hope is a company that has great and strong values. we value our customers wishes and concerns. one of our values is quality over quantity, we like our work to be top quality because our customers deserves that. feedback is always something that is importnant to us as a company so we can make changes that fit our custmores. we are always considerate to the customer's budget, we work with your budget. we aim to please all the time. we treat our customers with repsect and dignity. give us a try first before you go to others.